Thursday, June 30, 2011

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  • Dipzo
    05-20 11:01 AM
    Thank you Rahul..
    I really appreciate it.. Just one more clarification.
    My employer didn't asked me anything during the interview (about CPT/OPT). Since I have to join in a week, should I inform them beforehand?


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  • chanduv23
    09-13 08:08 AM
    whatever I did here on this video - I want to dedicate it to my wife. She is doing her 2nd year residency and is carrying (5th month) - and has been putting up with me when I could not give her 100% attention.

    My dear friends

    - it is the duty of every immigrant to stand up and respect the nation.

    - yes, 300K applications reached in July - everyone wants to be here, and it will make a big difference if you all show your faces aty the rally.

    Volunteers at Immigration Voice have been working 24/7 with strategy and planning - everything for us only.

    We all come from different backgrounds, highly skilled, work hard and have a illustrious career, at the same time, we must also not forget that we can all stand up together, yes - we can do it.

    Lets all March on September 18th at Washington DC and show all the anti immigrants and hate spreaders like Lou Dobbs, Ron Hira etc.. their dirty tricks won't work anymore.

    Lets all cooperate - this is the time - JUST ONE DAY AT WASHINGTON DC.


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  • dealguy007
    05-19 08:59 AM

    first labor approved in may 2006 under EB3
    140 was approved in 2007

    Since I already had masters before I joined the company
    EB2 labor applied and received approval in Jan 2011

    My attorney applied for 140 porting but received priority date as Jan 2011 instead of may 2006. My attorney says immigrations has made a mistake, attorney contacted them and received a reference number basically asking attorney to call back on Jun 1st. I'm concerned on what went wrong and what could be the worst case scenario. How much time are talking about here.

    Any information will be greatly appreciated.


    It will alright, wait for few more weeks till attorney fixes the issue.

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  • softcrowd
    06-17 07:50 PM
    I & My wife are working on H1-B visas currently. We two simulataneously started our Greencard process with our employers.

    Both of us have a priority date of Sept 2006 & our EB category is Eb2. Both our labors got approved & applied for I-140s. My wife's I-140 got approved recently (from TSC) while Mine is still pending with NSC (Nebraska dates are behind).

    A couple of months back, my current employer offered me a pre-aproved EB3 labor (from April 2004) & asked me to apply for I-140 (Substitute). He told me that once approved, I can port this EB3 2004 priority date onto my Eb2 I140. I applied for the same in premium processing, subsequently got an ability-to-Pay RFE and employer is working on providing audited financial statements from 2004.

    Overall, we have 3 I-140s between me (2 pending) & my wife (1 Approved). Now that everything is current which one should we pick for applying I-485....This has become a big puzzle for us.

    Here below is a snapshot of our status:

    Me - EB2 (Sept 2006) - I-140 Pending
    - EB3 (Apr 2004) - I-140 Pending (got RFE)

    My wife - EB2 (Sept 2006) - I-140 Approved

    Here are the options we could think of -

    I know, the safest way is to apply I-485 to my wife's approved I-140. But with the DHS's forecast that retrogression is going to be back anytime around Spetember of this year, I am not sure if applying 485 based on a year 2006's date is any useful!! (We get EAD but we may be struck for years to get the green cards).

    Is there an option for both of us to apply for I-485s (I will be dependent on my wife's application & my wife would be dependent on my application). If possible, this option gives us a safety net & also helps us in picking up the best. I know at some point, we have to choose between either of the I-485s but hopefully in a couple of months, we get clarity when both my I-140s are approved.

    Or is it possible for me to apply for AOS on my pending EB2 2006 I-140 and then once my other Eb3 I-140 is also approved, Can I port the PDs while my I-485 is pending??

    In essence, I am trying to find out a way to take advantage of 2004 Priority date I have (assuming Eb3 I-140 is approved).

    Could you please help out, if you have any ideas!!


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  • nashorn
    12-15 12:50 PM
    You need to make it more clear to get help.

    You said she got a H4 stamp when she first came to the US based on your H1B. That could not be true. She must had a I-797 approval notice of her H4.

    You need all her I-797s of H4. Check the starting and ending times on them. Their should be no gap between. Any gap, if during which she was in the US, means illegal stay. But, if she had left the US after the gap and returned legally, the gap wouldn't be treated as illegal stay when you file 485. The evidence you need to prove this the her I-94s. All the VISA she'll ever has are the ones in her passport.

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  • h1techSlave
    02-23 08:51 PM
    My employer participates in e-verify and we have several employees in H1/EAD/OPT etc. No issues so far.

    Since lawyers are opposing e-verify, e-verify should be good for us. ;);)


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  • kondur_007
    02-23 08:17 PM
    Concept is not wrong but before implementing it they must make sure that it works perfectly...not like that 8 year old kid that was placed in "no fly" list!!!!

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  • ace007
    06-09 04:17 PM
    Hello Everyone,

    I must be newest member here. Our company attorney (fragomen) is going to file/send I-140 application today.

    I am excited to join the loooong queue forward!



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  • ksvreg
    07-19 02:40 PM
    My I-140 approved. Based on the July 2007 Visa Bulletin revision threat on June 30th, I have prepared and submitted I-485 package with all necessary documents along with approved I-140 copy. I sent the package to Nebraska Service Center and it reached on July 2nd. In the last minute, my company also submitted the I-485 package. My company sent the package on July 1st and reached on July 2nd at Texas Service Center. This was happened due to some communication gap between my company and me.

    My questions are:
    1. Will there be any problem if there are two package submitted? One from me and one from my company law firm?
    2. Will they reject one of the package? If so, which one will be returned?
    3. Is it possible to withdraw one of the package?

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  • sivasankar_eppe
    08-23 02:34 PM
    Last year i filled AR-11 manually and mailed with 39 cents to USCIS . Even though My Approval papers went to old address and then went back to USCIS. Later on I called them and gave the new Address then only they sent again to New Address . I don't think USCIS will see our AR-11 forms .
    I don't know abt online AR-11 Form , it came recently .


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  • dealsnet
    08-05 12:50 PM
    Why you take lawyer's help for this simple thing. ?
    Almost everybody renewed EAD/AP by themselves.
    EAD/AP filings must go to your I-485 processing center.
    I think, if the lawyer send to wrong center, it will redirect to the correct center, there will be a time delay for this.

    My lawyer sent my wife EAD renewal papers to VSC.

    Our cases at at TSC presently. I asked him to sent it to TSC but he said since the original EAD / AP were approved by VSC the renewal has to also go to VSC.

    I am not sure what is going to happen. I have not seen my cheques cashed nor have received the package back?

    FedEx trackinh number says it was received at VSC on July 10.

    Can anybody shed some light whats going to happen next ?????

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  • ssashraf
    04-25 02:57 PM
    I am planning to change jobs within the next 30 days and my I-140 is currently in process (filed October 2010). I have applied for I-140 premium processing last week and expect to have a response from USCIS by May 6 2011. My new employer is not sure that they can transfer the H1B since I have an I-140 in process with my current employer. The H1B with current employer expires on July 30 2011.

    - Can I transfer H1B to new employer while I-140 is in process with current employer? Can the new employer file for H1B extension after transfer while current employers I-140 is in process? Current employer has confirmed that they do not withdraw the I-140 while it is in process or after it is approved even if employee leaves the job.
    - Is it better to transfer H1B after the I-140 has been approved and once transfer is done, file for H1B extension right away? Can the new employer use the old employers I-140 to get a 3 year extension?

    Guidance will be greatly appreciated.



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  • dohko
    01-11 08:16 PM
    any thoughts?

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  • tanu_75
    03-05 03:28 AM

    I have been filed in EB2 with a priority date of Feb 26 2007.
    What you guys think about the possibility of my PD getting current this year?
    I know that it needs a crystal ball to predict such horrendun things like PD movement, but I am just trying to get a poll on the general feeling about the spillover this year.

    Thanks in advance.

    You can check out the EB3-EB2 calculations thread. You have a decent chance of getting your GC by September 2011 based on the predictions there.


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  • slc_ut
    09-02 04:48 PM
    I've received this letter from DOL by mail. I think this is in response to the fax that i sent through IV a while ago. I am posting the contents of the letter here.

    U.S. Department of Labor
    Employment and Training Administration
    200 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20210

    Aug 28 2006

    <My name here>
    <My address here>

    Dear Mr. <My name here> :

    Your letter to Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao was referred to this office for reply. The Office of Foreign Labor Certification in the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) is responsible for administering the Department's Foreign Labor Certification Program. You expressed your concern with the processing of cases by the Backlog Elimination Processing Centers.

    We share your concern regarding the lack of transparency in the Permanent Backlog System and are working on approaches to provide additional information. The criteria for processing a case are dependent upon the timely and complete response of the applicant to all issues and to the First In, First Out (FIFO) status of case. However, assuming two applications with the same priority date, there are several factors that account for different processing times. These include the type of application (Reduction-In-Recruitment Vs. Traditional Recruitment), the stage of processing at which the application was received by the Processing Center, the dates of other applications pending at each center (which determines each application's place within the FIFO queue), the quality of the application (applications that raise questions take longer), and the response time of the employer to center requests for confirmation to continue processing the application. Nevertheless, based on our current progress, we estimate the permanent program's backlog of cases will be eliminated by September 30, 2007.


    <Signature here>

    William L. Carlson, Ph.D.
    Office of Foreign Labor Certification

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  • maalelsi
    10-14 11:10 AM
    It is direct deposit / stub, but company name does not show anywhere and I spoke with employees that have been there over a year and they say that is also how the W2 is printed. Company name does not show.

    does anyone have any input ?


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  • WithoutGCAmigo
    07-12 11:51 AM
    /\ /\ /\

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  • sounakc
    12-05 11:33 AM

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  • crazyghoda
    08-17 06:06 PM
    .... for 4 years. It was expiring in Dec 2009 and they renewed it till Dec 2013. No questions asked about immigration status at all. I did have to show a utility bill to show my new address and that was it. Paid $10 and got my license.

    Chicago rocks!

    08-26 02:30 PM
    Hi Guys,

    I have an appeal Pending with AAO for a denied I140 EB3 India 2004, If I withdraw my appeal and refile I140 I know I will loose pending I485 application. but will have ability to extend my h1 in november showing the refiled I140?

    Recently went through the following info....don't know if it helps you or not....

    USCIS Policy on Refiling of I-140 Petition Pending AAO Appeal

    The AILA-USCIS Service Center Operations Office Liaison minute indicates that the USCIS will allow the employers to refile I-140 petition when the denial of I-140 has been appealed and pending before the AAO. However, such refiled I-140 petition will be held in abeyance pending the decision of the AAO for the appealed I-140 petition. It advises that in order to seek the adjudication of the refiled I-140 petition, the employer must withdraw the pending AAO appeal. However, people must understand that such decision should not be made too lightly in that there are a lot of benefits attached to the pending AAO appeal, which will be wiped out once the appeal is withdrawn. Such benefits include AC-21 extension of H-1B nonimmigrant status even beyond the six-year limit. Besides, pending the appeal, the USCIS decision of denial is considered "not final," and there are a number of benefits attached to the situation when the denial is considered not final.

    09-09 12:12 PM
    I got the RFE yesterday for my wifes AP I-131, Its about photo as expected.

    Have you been seeing any approvals for EB2 India lately?

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